Monday, December 15, 2014

Ten Grinches, plus two

Here is our first Christmas EP - we hope it's just your size.
Jess arranged and recorded it all tucked away in her basement bedroom, in the midst of and just underneath the bumping chaos made by a family of five, plus one yapping dog, who live upstairs.

And so it is with Christmas, who visits us in and as a happy mess of family, laughter, tears, and all of that process of both grinching and un-grinching our too small hearts, may they grow ever bigger.

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Shows

Hello friends! December is here and we wanted to let you know about some shows coming up that we're real excited about!

Monday, December 8th @ Shamrock's Pub 7PM
This will be a storytelling event so come enjoy some music AND some stories!

Saturday, December 13th @ Groundswell 7PM $5
We're playing our annual holiday show Cheer & Beer with our incredibly talented friends Har-Di-Har! Meet the Rush River brewers with a Rush River tap takeover. Also, free Rush River pint glasses to the first 20 people that buy the specially spiced firkin!

Thursday, December 18th @ The Nicollet 8PM
Happy hour is from 7:30-10PM so come grab a beer and bring some canned food! The Homestead Records is partnering with Pabst Blue Ribbon to host this event, "Cans For A Can". The first 50 people to come in with canned food will receive a free PBR Tallboy!

So there you have it folks. Come on out and bring your Santa hats!