Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hello hello!
Welcome to Eustace the Dragon dot blog dot awesome.

Feel free to set this site as your new homepage.

That we may greet you in the morning with singing and merry-making. 
That we may invite you to upcoming shows and shindigs. 
That we may tell you all our hopes and dreams. 
And maybe nightmares.

Anyone ever have a turning point in their nightmares, where suddenly everything impossible becomes possible? Scary things turn into cute things, broken doors turn into shields, and then all of these things turn into songs.

We are Eustace the Dragon - an ugly and honest brute. 
But honesty is the beginning of all beauty, and we promise to sing only what we find to be true in our changing.

Thanks for listening. And thanks for pushing us to finally record a full length album.
We will do that this year, and you're welcome to join us in it.

All our best,
Danny, Jess, and Amanda